Fondation Ensemble signs the ‘Divest-Invest’ pledge

To ‘Divest-Invest’ is to pledge, over time, to sell holdings of fossil fuel shares and invest instead in climate solutions such as renewable energy, clean tech and energy efficiency.
We gave our family foundation, a very symbolic name, Ensemble, which means Together. Because we strongly believe that all living beings -humans, animals, plants- are linked together. There cannot be an action without a reaction. That’s why our foundation only supports projects working for a sustainable development on earth. While doing so, how can we let our money be used for increasing the production of unsustainable and polluting energies ? For us, Fondation Ensemble, signing the pledge just means being consistent with what we believe and stand for. It’s a pretty obvious choice.
Following the signing of the pledge, Jacqueline Délia Brémond, the foundation’s co-chair, made a presentation during two conferences, related to the COP21, on December the 2nd at le Bourget and on December the 8th at a gathering of foundations on this topic.