16 December 2016

2017 Calls for proposals

It is our pleasure to inform you of the opening of our 2017 calls for proposals:

  • All sectors projects (Sustainable agriculture, Sustainable fishing, Biodiversity conservation, Sustainable Technologies):
    • The usually eligible countries (Ecuador, Peru, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos), are maintained.
    • The foundation extends, for the first time, its “All sectors” call for proposal to Myanmar. According to its usual selection criteria, the foundation will focus on initiatives with the most disadvantaged people, notably ethnic minorities. Please be aware that the proposed intervention zones will have to be accessible for visits by Fondation’s Ensemble staff.
    • Before submitting a project, please consult here our selection criteria.
    • West Africa Coastal Areas are no longer eligible.
  • Threatened Animal Species small projects: you can check our selection criteria here.

We cannot study proposals not complying with these conditions.

The deadline for sending the proposals is 1st February 2017, whatever the project type.

Concept notes must be sent solely on-line through our website. Warning: Downloading and sending the completed form are granted only after having followed all the submission steps one by one.

If you have any doubts or question, please refer to our FAQ. If you did not find your answer there, you can ask your questions through our contact form.

We wish you all excellent year end celebrations.

The Fondation Ensemble team

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